
Not surprised by Trump’s success

It is no surprise that Donald Trump is getting support from millions of whites across this country. It is also not surprising that he is doing so well in the polls, leading as the potential Republican nominee for president.

America has a racist and criminal history that is manifesting itself clearly today. Trump represents “Joe America,” who has been racist and brutal from the very beginning.

It is insane when you analyze and cogitate about this country’s history. The United States declared war on Mexico when it initiated the confrontation at the Rio Grande. It stole half of Mexico, literally killing, raping and beating the Mexicans into submission. Texas, California, New Mexico, Utah and part of Colorado used to be Mexico. Manifest Destiny sanctioned this barbaric behavior, saying that “it was divine providence that allowed the superior Anglo-Saxon race to subjugate inferior peoples.”

That is what Trump epitomizes and represents. He is the progeny of centuries of a pseudosense of white superiority and entitlement. That is exemplified in all of the laws and policies in this society that have provided for
slavery, more than a century of legalized apartheid, and the destruction of Native Americans’ culture, attempting to make them white and Christianized, and displacing them to reservations where they have had one of the highest suicide rates in the country.

Trump has said “blacks kill whites at a very high rate in this country.” Many whites believe that, but like many other things in America, it is based on a lie. Eighty-five percent of whites in this country are killed by other whites, according to the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department statistics. Even though white violent crime is the highest in this country among all industrial nations, Trump and his supporters will call that “liberal nonsense.” These are the same people that call African-Americans and the poor “lazy.” These are also the same people that when confronting the racism, ignorance and prefabrications of this society, will respond by being “politically correct,” which is nothing but a euphemism to try and ensconce the racist and very ugly and brutal history of this country.

Trump’s recent proposition to ban all Muslims from entering this country is very similar to Adolf Hitler and the nascent stages of the Third Reich. What Hitler did starting in the 1920s was initiate a form of German nationalism that excluded people of Slavic, Judaic and non-German descent. It led the National Socialist Party to take over the Reichstag and for him to become chancellor in 1933.
Both Hitler and Trump, especially with what Trump has been espousing, were, and are, in the forefront of white nationalism. Trump and his ilk ignore the fact that the United States has invaded, occupied or bombed 16 Muslim states since 1980—including Iraq, Iran, Yemen and Kosovo—but Trump’s supporters and their primitive way of thinking will call that “victimization.”
These people live in Mahopac, Bensonhurst and certainly are represented here in Larchmont. Like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “This is a sick and racist society.”