
Killian on her run for state Senate

To the Editor,Letter

It was an enormous privilege running for state Senate in New York’s 37th District this year. Thank you to the many readers whom I had the opportunity to meet along the trail.

Your willingness to share concerns, ideas, and even disagreements, was invaluable.

I did not prevail on Election Day—it was a tough year to run as a Republican in Westchester. I am enormously proud of my team’s campaign for a more responsive government in Albany. I congratulate Sen. George Latimer on another successful re-election effort.

It is my hope that issues raised by my campaign—fair funding for Westchester schools; enacting term limits; repealing arcane rules that make is so expensive to do business in New York state and unfunded mandates that drive property taxes higher; targeted digital drug education; and changing state rules that hurt our developmentally disabled community—served in some small way to elevate the discourse in and about state government. Belief that it did makes every door knock, phone call, and chilly 6 a.m. train platform visit well worth it.

Thank you again. Best wishes for a wonderful 2017.

Julie Killian,
Rye City councilwoman