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Cuomo signs bill to protect public employees

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation on July 1 prohibiting public employers from penalizing employees who use sick leave or compensatory time
to quarantine, seek medical treatment or for other absences related to a COVID-19 diagnosis or contact.

“From the beginning of this national public health crisis, we have done everything possible to protect those New Yorkers who needed to make sacrifices in order
to cope with the hardships of COVID,” Cuomo said. “No one should have to suffer a penalty for missing work because of COVID, and under this new
law, every public employee in our state will get the protection they deserve—so they don’t have to face unfair consequences for doing what was necessary to protect themselves and their loved ones.”

This new measure builds on COVID-related employee protections signed into law by Cuomo, including guaranteed paid leave for New Yorkers under mandatory or precautionary quarantine due to COVID, and guaranteed time off from work to receive the vaccine.

“For some workers, the idea of remote work is impossible, even during the COVID-19 Pandemic, said state Sen. Diane Savino.  “Our essential workforce, our
first responders— police, fire, healthcare and corrections—just cannot do it by broadband. That is why it was shocking to find out that the New York City department of Corrections was actually punishing their own employees for following the rules that we adopted right here in the State of New York. Eight hundred ninety-three correction officers who tested positive and were forced to utilize their sick time to comply with the requirements that were set out by the Department of Health were declared chronically absent.” State Assemblyman Peter Abbate said, “Happy to hear the Governor is signing my bill which will protect public employees who became ill during the coronavirus pandemic or came in contact with someone with the COVID-19.  These employees can now feel safe while they protect their health, the health of their family and the health of their coworkers without fear of retaliation.” (Submitted)