
Daniel Warren students celebrate Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day, Daniel Warren Elementary School students, who have been learning about the importance of recycling, conserving electricity and caring for their environment, were treated to a special performance by Bash the Trash musicians on April 19.

Bash the Trash musicians performed
with instruments made from reused
and repurposed materials. Contributed photo

During the performance, three musicians showed the students how they built instruments from reused and repurposed materials such as plastic bottles, coffee cans, cardboard tubes, pipes and Styrofoam. They also demonstrated what sounds different objects make, and got the students to feel the vibrations on the floor, clap along and snap their fingers to the beat.

“The limit is your imagination,” said musician John Bertles, who asked the students to promise to help keep our planet clean and find creative ways to “bash the trash.”

Founded by Bertles and his wife Carina Piaggio in 1988, Bash the Trash combines science, music and environmental awareness through musical performances and programs. The duo brings their creative messages to schools, concert halls and other performing venues.

The event was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Rye Neck PTSA. Celine Dujeux, a member of the PTSA and chairperson of the STEAM committee, said the program not only provided entertainment to the students, but it also allowed them to experience how trash can be turned into something useful.

“Children really see the correlation between the trash and music,” Dujeux said. “They love music, so it was a fun way for them to learn about a subject through music. Earth Day is all about making people aware of the concepts of reuse, recycle and reduce. It’s something that we all believe in.”