Month: February 2017

Opinion Sports

Cheaters never prosper?

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ometime around halftime on Sunday night, I sent my friend Derek an email. Derek, a Massachusetts native, is a wonderful human being, but also exemplifies the absolute worst of Patriots’ fandom—i.e., the smugness and sense of entitlement that comes with claiming the successes of Tom Brady and Bill Belichick as […]

News Politics

State approves anti-corruption bill

State officials have taken a big step in the fight against public corruption, as the Legislature has approved a proposal to enact a constitutional amendment that would strip taxpayer-funded pensions from state and local leaders who commit felonies in connection with their office. The pension forfeiture proposal will be on […]


Movies, mommies and predators

Ever wonder where our obsession with child predators began? The answer just might be at the movies. And “M” is the picture that started it all. What a creepy film. It opens with a mother puttering around the kitchen, waiting for her daughter to come home from school. We see […]


I disagree with Latimer and Buchwald

To the Editor, Marlene Kolbert’s letter, published on Jan. 20, is important in highlighting the volunteer work done by local officials and the huge problem Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino’s fiscal irresponsibility is leaving all of us. But I disagree with two of the New York state legislators I especially […]