Month: February 2016


Digging in with the diet detective

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s a cruel joke that the Super Bowl comes just a little over a month after we have resolved to forsake all wings, chips, dip, pizza, soda, beer, cheese sticks, Cheez-Its, Cheetos and anything else that is bright orange and vaguely food-like. Ha. That’s why every year around this time, […]


40 years after the death of Paul Robeson

Jan. 23, 2016 was the 40th anniversary of the death of Paul Robeson. He was the most accomplished, educated and talented human being I have ever read about. He spoke in a stentorian fashion and commanded a presence that made him larger than life. Robeson graduated from Rutgers University where […]


Village of Tuckahoe considers fast food ban

A recent controversy between Subway and the village of Tuckahoe has led to the consideration of a fast food ban. The ban would prohibit “formula fast food and formula quick casual.” According to Village Administrator David Burke, the Board of Trustees will likely vote on the matter sometime in late […]


Appalled by the mayor’s comments

To the Editor, I read the Review’s article published on Jan. 29, 2016 called “HCZMC discusses village development.” I would like to comment on James Pero’s article, which was very informative. I am appalled that our mayor, Mr. Norman Rosenblum, said, and I quote, “It is imperative on behalf of […]